A special someone is not required to feel the love on Valentine’s Day. Today’s Transitions found some unique ways to celebrate the holiday, no roses or candy hearts needed. Schedule a date to donate. As many people celebrate Valentine’s Day, the American Red Cross encourages eligible blood and platelet donors to give the ultimate gift […]
Main Content

Caregiving: A Spiritual Journey
About 15 years ago, I was semiretired and looking for something to do. My good friend, who had recently been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, was in need of some part-time assistance, and I offered my services. It was a great match! At first, the caregiving was primarily minor help with simple household chores a couple […]

Caregiving Is More Than Pretty Flowers
There are a lot of emotions that go into bringing a caregiver into the fold, whether that means hiring someone you don’t know to take care of a loved one or asking someone you do know, like a sibling, to act in a different capacity. Caregiving means establishing trust, and good communication is one of […]

6 Unique Ways To Celebrate Valentine’s Day This Year
A special someone is not required to feel the love on Valentine’s Day. Today’s Transitions found some unique ways to celebrate the holiday, no roses or candy hearts needed. Schedule a date to donate. As many people celebrate Valentine’s Day, the American Red Cross encourages eligible blood and platelet donors to give the ultimate gift […]

Escape To The Beach For Your Next Winter Adventure
It seems like people either love winter or hate it. Those who love it may prefer the crisp temperatures that require bundling up in layers of clothing instead of peeling them off, or they may enjoy winter sports, such as skiing or ice-skating. Those who hate winter may feel weighed down by gray skies and […]
Health & Fitness

Fitness + Friendship = Pickleball
If you haven’t yet found a way to be active while also being social, you can double your gains if you combine the two. We all know moving keeps us healthy, but the social aspects have been proven to make at least as much of a difference in our well-being as exercise. Check out these […]

Now Is The Perfect Time For Goal Making: Imagine Your Ideal Life
Throughout our school days, we learn about the importance of setting goals and taking the necessary steps to achieve those goals. But then, somewhere along the line as adults, life happens and our goals often take a backseat to fussy babies, the 9-5 workday, and home repairs. Once things quiet down a bit, we may […]
More Articles

What’s In A Grandparent Name?
Not always opting for the traditional, grandparents today are picking names based on family history, an affinity for the moniker, and in some cases, letting the grandkids choose one as they grow. We spoke with local grandparents about how their nicknames were born along with their grandkids. Mimi and Opi For Eric and Barbara Schmall, […]

Making Memories: 3 Grandkid Approved Activities For Valentine’s Day
Did you know spending time with your grandkids offers benefits that reach far beyond the simple joys of family time? According to one Oxford Study, research shows that “a high level of grandparental involvement increases the well-being of children.” Contributing to your grandkid’s state of happiness, excitement, and centeredness, not only boosts their emotional state […]

Dan Mann: Making Connections Happen
“Keeping an open mind, and remaining open for even a moment, can invite a life-changing connection,” says Dan Mann, executive director of the Louisville Regional Airport Authority. And let’s just say, the person responsible for both the Muhammad Ali International Airport and Bowman Field knows a bit about making connections. Raised in northwest Ohio, Dan […]

Escape To The Beach For Your Next Winter Adventure
It seems like people either love winter or hate it. Those who love it may prefer the crisp temperatures that require bundling up in layers of clothing instead of peeling them off, or they may enjoy winter sports, such as skiing or ice-skating. Those who hate winter may feel weighed down by gray skies and […]

Healthy Foods Made Healthier
Eating fruits and vegetables is good for us, we know this for a fact. But, did you know there are ways to make your healthy foods even healthier? Follow some of these tips to make healthy eating easier and maximize the nutritional punch of the foods you are eating. Purchase and Prep Tips Try to […]