It’s that time of year when we need to adapt to shorter days, which means less amount of time enjoying what we’re instinctively drawn to – natural light. This wonderful, organic source that luminates our outside world and indoor environments is greatly motivating. It’s what gets us out of bed in the morning, and keeps us going throughout the day.
So during the fall and winter seasons, how can we best enhance this natural source into our homes and duplicate its capabilities? We spoke with interior designer Joan Waddell of J. Waddell Interiors for guidance on enhancing home spaces with natural and artificial light.
The first step Joan takes when working with a client is asking how that room is going to be used. She then creates a space that is functional, comfortable, and promotes a sense of well-being. “Humans are drawn to light and we need to create environments that will make us happy and healthy, and lighting plays a huge role in this,” says Joan.

An entryway into a home should provide a welcoming atmosphere and create a sense of feeling good upon entering. Natural light glows into this area through leaded glass, French doors, as well as, the artificial light from the chandelier and table lamp.
Joan helped redesign this foyer, which has a dual function purpose in the home. It is used as an entry and a transitional space between several other areas on the first floor of the house. The natural and artificial light in this space help when transitioning from room to room, which creates a safe space, and a sense of well-being.
“A room is not a room without natural light.” – Louis Kahn, Architect
Story and photos by Melissa Donald
P.S. Enhance Your Home With Plants In The Bedroom – Part 2 of 3
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