For more than 25 years, Kentuckians have trusted Horizon with their most precious treasure – their loved ones. We have served more than 20,000 families through our adult day care, personal care and home health services. We now are expanding our services with Horizon PACE (Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly).
An innovative alternative to nursing homes, PACE is a nationally praised model that provides quality health-care services and functions as a health plan for seniors – many of whom are Medicare and Medicaid eligible.
Eligibility for enrollment in the PACE program:
* 55 years old or older
* Live in the service area of a PACE organization – Horizon PACE Richmond serves Estill, Jackson, Madison, and Rockcastle counties in Kentucky.
* Certified by the state in which you live as meeting the need for nursing home level of care – minimum of 2 indicators
* Able to live safely in the community with the help of PACE services at the time of enrollment.
Horizon PACE coordinates and provides individualized preventive, primary, urgent and long-term care services so loved ones can continue living in their homes and community. We also relieve family members of the confusion and frustration of dealing with multiple providers, disconnected care and the unknown of how to best help their loved one.
Services offered include:
* Primary Care
* Emergency Services
* Dentistry
* Medical Specialty Services
* Physical Therapy
* Adult Day Care
* Laboratory/X-ray Services
* Nursing Home Care
* Hospital Care
* Home Care
* Social Services
* Prescription Drugs
* Occupational Therapy