The internet is necessary and central to everyday life for most people. Using computers and mobile devices, however, can become more difficult and even painful as manual dexterity wanes. But, innovations in technology may provide hope for those with limited mobility, allowing them to navigate the internet more easily and comfortably. One exciting innovation that is helping people is eye-tracking technology. Eye-tracking technology has long been used in gaming and virtual reality, but is beginning to cross into the mainstream, aiming to revolutionize the way we interact with our devices.
Eye-tracking devices all work essentially the same way: by allowing the user to control the cursor and interact with their devices using just their eyes. By eliminating the need to physically move a mouse or type on a keyboard, eye-tracking technology reduces the physical strain associated with traditional methods of input. Because this technology is designed to be simple and intuitive to use, it is ideal not only for those with mobility limitations, but also for those who are less familiar or comfortable with computer use. Below are some products utilizing this innovative technology.
Tobii is a Swedish company that provides eye-tracking solutions for a wide range of applications. While it is marketed primarily to high-tech gamers, their eye-tracking software, Tobii Eye Tracker 5, allows users to control any device, including computers, laptops, and mobile devices with just their eyes. With Tobii’s technology, users can browse the internet, open and close application windows, and even play games using their eyes, increasing accessibility for those with limited movement and dexterity.
- EyeTribe Tracker
EyeTribe is a Danish company that provides eye-tracking software for both desktop and mobile devices. Their device, EyeTribe Tracker, uses a camera and infrared technology to allow users to control their devices by simply looking at what they want to select. Notably, the EyeTribe Tracker is portable and has the ability to track a wide range of devices. After set up, it is intuitive and easy to use for any level user.
The EyeTech Digital Systems EyeOn is different from other eye-tracking devices in that it is built into a tablet device. The technology is marketed specifically to those with disabilities and motor impairment, with the mission of expanding internet accessibility for all. EyeTech’s technology has been used to help people with conditions like cerebral palsy, spinal cord injuries, and multiple sclerosis.
Pupil Labs has been developing eye-tracking technology since 2014. Their software is used in a wide range of applications, including psychology, neuroscience, and human-computer interaction. The Pupil Labs Neon is a wearable device that looks like a pair of smart glasses and connects to almost any internet-connected device. While their technology is primarily marketed to researchers for the use of analyzing gaze patterns, it has clear consumer applications as well.
Innovative solutions like these have made it possible for people with disabilities and motor impairments to control their computers and mobile devices with ease. As technology continues to advance, we can expect to see even more exciting developments in the field of eye tracking in the future.
By Vanessa Hutchison | Photo courtesy of pupil-labs.com
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