So often when I ask people, “How do you assess the current state of the world?”
Most folks answer, “Very depressing. It seems to be getting worse every day.”
“Wrong,” I say back to them. “How can anyone say that and be so pessimistic? In my view the situation is improving. Given the magnitude and complexity of human problems, we could be slaughtering each other on a world wide scale. Yes, it could be infinitely worse. In thousands of different ways, sometimes awkwardly, tentatively, and too timidly, but always in the right general direction, humanity tries finding its way and proper place on planet earth, and in my opinion it will succeed.”
If we lose hope, then indeed there will be no hope. There are enough devil’s advocates in the world. We need more people’s advocates. Humanity has simply not yet learned to be happy and to count its blessings. People all too easily forget (and are induced by the media to forget) how beautiful life really is.
A balance sheet of a company lists assets and liabilities, but when it comes to the world, we only see liabilities and seldom any statements of assets and progress. If we have the required faith and attitude, humanity will succeed in ensuring permanent peace, greater justice, order and happiness on earth. Optimism, hard work, devotion, love and belief in the highest possible goals for humanity are the duty of all men and women of good will.
Recently I asked a refugee if she was a pessimist. She replied, “Absolutely not! Pessimists are second-rate people. They do not believe in life. Pessimism is just an excuse for their cowardice. All they want is to drag you down and appease their own feelings of mediocrity and fear. Their sole purpose is to discourage us.”
She continued: “I have found a simple and effective way to cope with them. I cut them right in the middle of their litanies and give them work to do. Either they leave or they work. Keep pessimists away from you or make them work, and they will not bother you. This is my recipe. It works like a charm. Try it out. Do not listen to pessimists and pursue your good objectives.”
This amazing testimony made my day. This was a very wise comment. The worst thing a good person can do is to join the sad cohort of pessimists, and the next worst is to engage in a dialogue with them.
Even if there were no wars and problems, even if all the humans had mountains of goods, still happiness would not reign on earth unless people felt it in themselves and made it a part of their daily lives. Happiness and not economic growth must be the ultimate objective of educators, leaders, institutions, and government. Material welfare is merely one aspect of life. The more recent aspiration for “quality of life” marks important progress but is not sufficient. Morality, love, cheerfulness and spirituality must also be reintroduced into the scheme of life. Our objectives are simply set too low. We seek peace, justice, and high standards of living, but we do not dare pronounce the great words of love and happiness. There should be more sensible people like my refuge friend to show us the road to common sense.
By Bob Mueller
Bob Mueller is Bishop of the United Catholic Church. bobmueller.org
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